Monday, February 24, 2020

Computerized physician order entry Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Computerized physician order entry - Term Paper Example CPOE, permits order entry at point of entry or in offsite locations. The system also decreases transcription and handwriting errors. Further, CPOE allows for error checking of incorrect or duplicate tests or doses for patients. It streamlines healthcare institutions posting of charges and inventory (Hussein, Zaidise, & Linn, 2013).CPOE represents an operational tool that provides evidence based and real-time decision support for the physicians. Various stakeholders such as the Government, physicians, community, and employers need to have a coordinated plan for the evaluation and adoption of CPOE (Muzyk, 2013). This can help to increase the rate of adoption of the technology by hospitals. Therefore, this paper will discuss the computerized physical order entry as a system that is important in the running of the hospital. During the late eighties, hospitals started implementing CPOE. By 1999, various hospitals had computerized most of their medications (Cohn, 2011). Utilization of CPOE is in all orders of inpatient units like referrals, tests, patient care, and medications. Adoption of CPOE faced some barriers. Initially there was lack of involvement of clinicians in CPOE adoption, substandard reliability, and functionality of technology (Kudyba, 2010). There was lack of standardization of some of the medical terminologies. Most hospitals also faced inadequate long-term financial commitment in the implementation. Poor planning is also a barrier to the implementation of CPOE. At the same time, sociological barriers in the use of CPOE exist. Shifts in physical work practices persist due to the increased time that physicians take to enter orders. CPOE implementation impact in the resources, commitment, and efforts is great. Technical properties: The electronic process provides health workers with a chance to enter orders electronically. Physicians are in a good position to manage and control the results of ordered entries. Companies encourage adoption of

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