Sunday, January 5, 2020

Prison Systems Do Not Control The Number Of Prisoners Sent

Miguel Molina Professor Nikki Drago Crimes in America 26 March 27, 2016 Overcrowding in Prisons The prison systems do not control the number of prisoners sent to jails. However, they have to deal with the consequences of this fact. In the last twenty years, all over the world, it is experienced a rapid increase in the number of prisoners. This growth is not limited to any particular type of jurisdiction or political system - it is observed in all regions of the world. According to the incapacitation effect, the shorter the span of opportunity, the fewer offences they can commit during their lives; hence crime is reduced (Siegel 101). For example, in the United States, the number of inmates in prisons has increased from half a million in†¦show more content†¦In order to ease the burden on the budget, in the 80s of the twentieth century, in the United States there was a prisons privatization process and mass construction of private prisons. Companies that own and manage prisons, camps or centers of investigative isolators’ restitution, sign a contract with the fed eral government, state government or the district authorities. They agree to keep a definite amount of prisoners according to state standards, providing a corresponding security level. The managing company receives the guaranteed amount of money from the budget for each inmate (Kamrany). There are no strikes, unemployment and other problems associated with employment. Prison labor produces night-vision goggles, body armor, camouflage uniforms, radio and communication devices, and lighting systems and components for 30-mm to 300-mm battleship anti-aircraft guns, along with land mine sweepers and electro-optical equipment for the BAE Systems Bradley Fighting Vehicle’s laser rangefinder (Flounders). The UNICOR Company is one of the largest contractors for the U.S government which is run by prison labor. With the low cost of labor there is also an increase of costs to keep the convicts in prison. However, it is assumed that exactly the privatization of prisons has led to an increase in the prison population and, consequently, an increase in the cost of their maintenance, as well as overcrowding in prisons and detention facilities,

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