Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Chinese thrilling economy Essay Example for Free

Chinese thrilling economy Essay One of my Chinese class-fellow persuaded me to accept that China is emerging as a world super-power. He tried to convince by proving arguments that were based on misconceived notions. He also provides certain facts about Chinese thrilling economy, military might, its geo-strategic location. He further told me that China is capturing the world markets and heavy investments from world over are pouring in to bring an industrial revolution in the world. Although he mentioned these facts but I was unconvinced as he was unable to provide figures. The most disappointing thing was that he only mentioned soft power and did not realize that hard power too helps in achieving the status of super-power. If could have provided me the growing influence of China in the international socio-economic affairs, then it could be a convincing persuasion. Further, the cultural influence of china could be another valid argument but he did not mention all these. So his persuasion was an utter failure. I watched and analyzed John F. Kennedy Moon Speech in Rice Stadium in 1962. Kennedy uses his body language in a subtle way that augments the emotional effect of his speech. His body language is embellished and his movements are appropriate. He stresses his point of view on certain points by use of hands only and looks around to get the full attention of his audience. This speech is based on emotional appeal but some elements of logic are also manifested here and there. Although he provides the motives for the space program and historical land on moon but these logics are little convincing but he skillfully utilizes the emotional appeal. He sums the history of million years into a century and consider the â€Å"moon landing† the most important event of this century. He messages were very specific and he used illustrative language to show the importance this historical event. His speech is not direct but it does not create any confusion as audience is well aware of the purpose of speech already. URL: http://www. space-video. info/speech/19620912-jfk-rice. html

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Cormac McCarthy The Crossing Essay -- Essays Papers

Cormac McCarthy The Crossing This story contains an almost equal balance of good and evil, though it also raises questions of what is truly good. It blurs the line between good and selfish or thoughtless. Characters’ actions sometimes appear impure, but in the long run, are good. In this story Billy is faced with a wide range of undeserved punishments, but shows good through all of them with his strong will and determination. He accepts the things that happen to him in a levelheaded manner, which works to keep the story from becoming a tragedy. The first instance of undeserved punishment is the death of Billy’s family. Not only was he unable to help them in any way, there was no good reason for it to happen. While Billy could lose all hope, become depressed, and angry at the world or at God for this injustice, he instead sets out to right the wrong. To begin his venture to right the wrong, Billy goes to get Boyd, who’s been staying at another home after his family’s death. Before they leave, Billy takes a shotgun, blanket, money, and other supplies from the house. Boyd comments, â€Å"Even a outlaw don’t rob them that’s took him in and befriended him.† In this instance it could be said that Billy’s actions are morally wrong. In this case however, the ends justify the means. Billy is committing a small wrong to serve the greater good, which reflects a higher prompting on Billy’s behalf. Billy’s patience is also tried when he learns of his heart murmur. He is attempti...

Monday, January 13, 2020

Middle Childhood Essay

Parents who are firm and less critical helped their children shape their unique self confidence from middle childhood to adulthood. If asked what was the best yeas in your life span you may consider those times when you were mischievous in your childhood days. It may even take you back to the adolescent days when you were in junior high and you thought that you had all friends and was in the best groups in school. These are just some of the areas that you may consider. In this paper we will review the time between middle childhood to adolescence touching on the effects of functional and dysfunctional family dynamics on development look at the positive and negative impact of peers and changes in peer relations from middle childhood to adolescence. Examine additional pressures faced in adolescence compared to middle childhood and discuss the development of moral values from middle childhood into adolescence. Functional and Dysfunction  In my evaluation of the effect of a functional and dysfunctional family dynamics and development it is recognized the effects family and chosen role models have is fundamental to individual development. Dysfunctional or psychologically unhealthy families inherit or develop negative roles or defense mechanisms where people are trapped in. These are demonstrated at times when under pressure or a crisis situation where our defense mechanisms become effective. At the same time functional or healthy families that foster positive development where trust, love and honest, open relationships thrive. Dysfunctional families produce insecurities and normal development may not happen and at times be stopped. Members of the family commonly one or more will have some problem that affects the rest of the family. Things like abuse, neglect, alcohol are some of the disorders. In most families there are some that are healthy people that compensate for the falling of the people around them and make their lives better or functional. Peer Relations The positive and negative impact of peers and changes in peer relations from middle childhood to adolescence has an influence on children. Attention has focused considerably on peer relationships and friendships from childhood and adolescence. Experiences with children’s peers are critical in the development of adaptive and adaptive behaviors throughout child hood and adolescence. Disturbances in peer relationships are common reasons for referrals to children’s mental health clinics (Achenbach & Edelbrock, 1981). Because of the developmental impact of the children, peer difficulties are assessed and addressed the more opportunity there is to set troubled children on the right track. The different tests approaches give different results on the children’s peer relations and sociability. In their early adolescence, children will be reluctance to be observed, especially in school room settings. Several researchers have relied on structured laboratory tasks for observing adolescents (e. g. Connolly & McNelles, 1995; Dishion, Andrews, & Crosby, 1995). In the end the final analysis will provided the fullest picture of children’s social well being and direction for understanding positive peer relations. Additional Pressures The additional pressures that are faced in adolescences compared to middle childhood are pretty similar. There are pressures that can influences teens as well as children’s dress, the music they listen to and their behavior. As teen the behaviors are things like drugs, cigarettes, and sex. A lot of satiations come from cliques of friends that are the same age. It can start in early childhood with kids getting other kids to do what they want to do. Then as they go though the preteen and teen years pressures intensify. Once in middle and high school adolescents deal with peer pressure regularly. It said this how they learn to get along with others of their own age group and become independent. Most adolescence gives in to peer pressure so they can be liked or fit in to certain groups. This is so they won’t be made fun of for not getting with the rest of the kids in the group. There are times that the kids get involved because they want do something different that everyone else may be doing. This is somewhat common with childhood children but at this age if they get bored with it they will walk away from those situations and do something diffent. Moral Values The development of moral values from middle childhood into adolescence can be a changellage. In the middle childhood stage the children are told that there are rules and they have to be followed and because of that the children follow the rules. When it comes to adolescences they explain that rules are to be followed this way everyone will play the game demonstration that as their moral development occurs and children began to know the greater of good. When we are young we follow the rules to avoid the consequences, but as older kids they want to know what is in it for me mentality, and then only do what is needed to be able to get something from it. Experts differ in their own opinion as to how moral compass is developed, but all agree that it’s an important rite as children grow, evolve and take their place as a member of society. Conclusion In conclusion we review the changes that occur during middle child hood and adolescence concerning family and peer relationships, and how they might influence future development. Parents have the ability to be warm and responsive and at the same time be firm and provide consistent supervision. Being accepted is one of the biggest elements in a parent-child relationship. Giving praise being involved and showing concern all play a part in a Childs self-esteem and social adjustment. Parents need to encourage their children by soliciting their opinion or self encouraging self expression. A child needs support and encouragement and parents need to understand that, as well as rules and expectations.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Prison Systems Do Not Control The Number Of Prisoners Sent

Miguel Molina Professor Nikki Drago Crimes in America 26 March 27, 2016 Overcrowding in Prisons The prison systems do not control the number of prisoners sent to jails. However, they have to deal with the consequences of this fact. In the last twenty years, all over the world, it is experienced a rapid increase in the number of prisoners. This growth is not limited to any particular type of jurisdiction or political system - it is observed in all regions of the world. According to the incapacitation effect, the shorter the span of opportunity, the fewer offences they can commit during their lives; hence crime is reduced (Siegel 101). For example, in the United States, the number of inmates in prisons has increased from half a million in†¦show more content†¦In order to ease the burden on the budget, in the 80s of the twentieth century, in the United States there was a prisons privatization process and mass construction of private prisons. Companies that own and manage prisons, camps or centers of investigative isolators’ restitution, sign a contract with the fed eral government, state government or the district authorities. They agree to keep a definite amount of prisoners according to state standards, providing a corresponding security level. The managing company receives the guaranteed amount of money from the budget for each inmate (Kamrany). There are no strikes, unemployment and other problems associated with employment. Prison labor produces night-vision goggles, body armor, camouflage uniforms, radio and communication devices, and lighting systems and components for 30-mm to 300-mm battleship anti-aircraft guns, along with land mine sweepers and electro-optical equipment for the BAE Systems Bradley Fighting Vehicle’s laser rangefinder (Flounders). The UNICOR Company is one of the largest contractors for the U.S government which is run by prison labor. With the low cost of labor there is also an increase of costs to keep the convicts in prison. However, it is assumed that exactly the privatization of prisons has led to an increase in the prison population and, consequently, an increase in the cost of their maintenance, as well as overcrowding in prisons and detention facilities,