Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Appearance vs Reality Essay - 453 Words

Appearance vs Reality One normally disguises in order to be someone else, whether this be in a costume during Halloween, or as a character in a play or movie. Shakespeare uses the idea of disguise in his ‘Taming of the Shrew’ The minor theme of the play is appearance vs reality. Throughout the drama, things are never really as they seem. Katherine appears to be a real shrew, but it is all a cover-up for the hurt she feels. Bianca appears to be a self-sacrificing angel, but she is really a spoiled young lady who can quickly revert to shrewish behavior. Baptista appears to the outside world as a wonderful father; in truth, he pampers Bianca, totally spoiling her, and treats Katherine badly, depriving†¦show more content†¦The play is also filled with people in disguise, appearing to be something they are not. Lucentio disguises himself as Cambio, the tutor, so he can get to know Bianca. Hortensio also disguises himself as Licio, another tutor to Bianca. Tranio disguises himself as Lucentio in order to present his master as a suitor for Bianca. The Pedant pretends to be Vincentio, the father of Lucentio. Through these appearances, the plot becomes complicated and often humorous, but Shakespeare masterfully reveals the true identity of all characters in the fourth act of the play. Some see Katherinas nature as revealed rather than changed- she was always brilliant and admirable, but her qualities were hidden under her shrewishness. Bianca, on the other hand, reveals willfulness and deceit under her mildness. Tranio reveals qualities that make him more effective than Lucentio. Is he really more of a master than a servant? Most of the plays humour comes from the way in which characters create false realities by disguising themselves as other people, a device first introduced in the induction. Initially this is accomplished by having Christopher Sly believe he is someone he is not and then by having the main play performed for him. By putting The Taming Of The Shrew in a play within a play structure, Shakespeare immediately lets the audience know thatShow MoreRelatedEssay on Appearance Vs. Reality961 Words   |  4 Pages One of the characteristics of Realism, in American literature at least, is the ironic use of perceptions of â€Å"appearance† vs. â€Å"reality.† With this in mind, Henry James’s â€Å"The Real Thing† and â€Å"The Beast in the Jungle† are two works wherein such characteristics can be shown to operate as James employs cleverly woven twists of â€Å"appearance† and â€Å"reality† in each of the plots. In James’s â€Å"The Real Thing,† the plot is centered on an unnamed artist and his interactions with two sets of models: the MonarchsRead MoreMacbeth Appearance vs Reality1046 Words   |  5 PagesAppearance vs. Reality The role of deception and the motif of appearance and reality had a large role in Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth. The motif of appearance and reality is first introduced by Shakespeare early on in the play when Macbeth must cover up for the murder of Duncan. This motif of appearance versus reality, or deception, appears again when Macbeth fools the murderers that killed Banquo. Macbeth tricks the murderer’s into believing it was Banquo’s fault that they led such miserableRead MoreMacbeth - Appearance vs. Reality1537 Words   |  7 PagesAppearance vs. Reality – Macbeth: Commentary Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare, which focuses on the life of Macbeth. Out of the four Shakespearean play categories, it is categorized as a tragedy, as the events of the play ultimately lead to the downfall of the protagonist, Macbeth. The theme of appearance versus reality is constantly repeated throughout the play, as it greatly contributes to the development of the plot. The idea is constantly conveyed by the characters using a pleasantRead MoreAppearance vs. Reality in Hamlet1000 Words   |  4 PagesThere is a general understanding that appearances can be deceiving. This is one of the most fundamental questions in philosophy, appearance vs. reality. When we meet people and get to know them throughout our lives, we soon discover that there is a genuine side to everyone behind the appearance they show. In the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, the characters Polonius, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, and Claudius use appearance vs. reality to manipulate and deceive , which ultimately leads to theirRead MoreAppearance Vs. Reality Of Macbeth Essay1612 Words   |  7 PagesSteven Hua Ms. Amato ENG2D 08 December, 2016 Appearance vs. Reality In Macbeth Things are not always as they seem to be, people are often deceived to believe something different than it’s true meaning. Instead of knowing the reality of a situation, people’s thoughts are sometimes shifted to see only what they appear, leaving them blindsided to the real truth behind whats really going on. Appearance versus Reality is first seen when king Duncan misjudges Macbeth’s intentions and is blindsided toRead More appearance vs reality Essay713 Words   |  3 Pages Appearance vs. Reality nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Things are not always as they appear. You may think someone is a certain way because of how they dress and carry themselves this is called stereotyping. Many people stereotype without even noticing that they are doing it. Everyone has his or her right to first impressions, but stereotyping is wrong. There are many examples of this topic in literature as well as in our society today. The main population accused of stereotyping is teenagers; theyRead MoreMacbeth: Appearance vs Reality977 Words   |  4 PagesMacbeth: Appearance vs Reality Brooke Soper The way people act on the outside and who they really are on the inside may be two totally different things. Some may change because they feel they don t fit in. Others pretend to be something they truly aren t. No matter which way you look at it, if you try to act like someone your not, the truth will always appear in the end. That is exactly what happened in William Shakespeare s play, MacBeth. Banquo, MacBeth, and Lady MacBeth each projectRead MoreThe Judgement Of Appearance Vs Reality1561 Words   |  7 PagesThe Judgement of Appearance VS Reality â€Å" I am not Abnegation. I am not Dauntless. I am Divergent† (Roth 442). This quotation display a certain substance people all need understand about the interior of themselves in life; people are more than one thing, one personality, and one judgement, individuals are all divergent. Divergent is a powerful word, which means that people are all different from what the world may want them to be or how they are portrayed as to the rest of the world. Divergent meansRead MoreMacbeth Appearance Vs Reality1245 Words   |  5 PagesExploration of Appearance and Reality in Macbeth As Plato famously said in Phaedrus, â€Å"Things are not always as they seem†, meaning that not everything is what it appears to be. In today’s society, many politicians appear trustworthy and are in reality crooked. Photoshop also manipulates appearance and reality. In literature, authors use appearance versus reality to create an interesting plot or characterize. In William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Macbeth, the theme of appearance versus reality is seen frequentlyRead MoreAPPEARANCE vs. REALITY IN THE PRINCE AND HAMLET1614 Words   |  7 Pages3. Reality and appearances, or if you prefer, being and acting, are important themes for both Machiavelli and Shakespeare. Why? How do their perspectives on this subject agree or differ? APPEARANCE vs. REALITY IN THE PRINCE AND HAMLET One of the most fundamental questions in philosophy is the appearance vs. reality. We find ourselves asking the question of what is genuinely real, and what is viewed merely as just an appearance, and not real? It becomes difficult when we assume there is

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Fraud Scandal Of Glaxosmithkline - 1596 Words

GSK Analysis This paper covers the information given from the bribery scandal that GSK paid off the Chinese government and doctors in the country. This analysis will take a look at what happened, what went wrong and the conclusion for the company looking in the future to do business in China. The company’s response is a key issue in how they came back from such a detrimental hit in a growing market. There are a number of factors that will be interpreted and discussed for the future dealings in China. Questions Arise The first question to arise would be what kind of laws does China already have in place? Also, one has to consider the way the laws are enforced if any standard has been set. There are two standard laws that handle this type of incidence in the country. The first one is the Anti-Unfair competition law AUCL (Rogers, 2014). The punishment that is set forth will be determined by the severity of the crime. This law is in direct correlation with anti-corruption and bribery in the country of China. It goes into detail with Article 8 of the AUCL which forbids any industry or commerce representatives from giving bribes in the form of property or other means for the purpose of selling and purchasing products and services (Rogers, 2014)†. Payments or stealthy charges that are improperly acknowledged in the recordkeeping or ledgers are also prohibited. In the case of GlaxoSmithKline, they even tried to bribe the officials that are the ones who enforce thisShow MoreRelatedThe Fraud Scandal Of Glaxosmithkline1927 Words   |  8 Pages GSK Analysis This paper covers the information given from the bribery scandal that GSK paid off the Chinese government and doctors in the country. This analysis will take a look at what happened, what went wrong and the conclusion for the company looking in the future to do business in China. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Much Does It Cost to Save Essay - 2398 Words

How Much Does It Cost to Save? The impact of software development offshore outsourcing has many economic and social impacts. Economically, India is thriving with GDP growth accelerating exponentially including having the potential to achieve double-digit growth.1 Meanwhile, in the United States, the numbers relating to developer jobs are quite the opposite. Most figures suggest that by 2015, roughly 3.3 million business-processing jobs will have moved abroad. As of July 2003, around 400,000 jobs already had.2 Socially, job loss has many strong emotional implications. Job loss due to cost cutting measures coupled with the dot-com layoffs in Silicon Valley conveys an outlook for finding a technical position quite bleak. In†¦show more content†¦In order to compete, US developers would have to take a reduction in salary. This conflicts with the cost of living in places like Silicon Valley. Cost cutting though ultimately has many benefits for companies and individuals as it opens up other opportunities and investments. Silicon Valley firms have used resources freed up through offshore production to develop new products, new industries, and new employment opportunities.4 A Silicon Valley engineer may not like the opportunities that come up because of outsourcing, but they are there. Gregory Mankiw, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, feels that â€Å"there will be jobs in the future because this is a vibrant economy, a dynamic economy.†5 Mankiw’s support for outsourcing is without a doubt supported by financial analysts in India. A member of Delhi Stock wrote in the India Times that Mankiw â€Å"clearly had logic and facts on his side; a detailed study by Deloitte in August 2003 estimated that approximately 356 billion of work for the global financial-services industry alone will be relocated offshore within the next five years† leading to aShow MoreRelated math lesson Essay1734 Words   |  7 PagesAlexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday: Understanding Opportunity Costs Grade Level:2, 3, or 6th Duration: three 50-minute class periods Student Goal: To understand that there is an opportunity cost to every economic decision and that these costs come as a result of limited resources. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Problem Action Consequence Technique-Free-Samples for Students

Question: You are required to analyse the Ethical Dilemma you have Identified above using the Problem-Action-Consequence Technique (PACT). Answer: Introduction The case study that has been described in the YouTube video presents the situation of an un-tested system that is being passed for go-live. The test manager associated with the project is Ken and he has been informed about the release of the system in the untested state as per the demands by the project client and stakeholders. Ken refuses to accept the decision as he understands the adverse implications of such a step in the long run (Youtube, 2017). Ethical Problems The project schedule experienced multiple changes during the timeline of the project. The project client has again put up a request to receive the final release of the system before the original deadline. Due to such changes in the project schedule, system testing has not been completed. There are certain modules of the system that are still in the un-tested state that may bring up functional errors and non-functional defects during the usage of the system by the end user. The project lifecycle comprises of a series of steps. Some of these steps are mandatory and extremely significant in nature. System testing is one of such phases that must be carried out. In this case, the release of the system would lead to system delivery in an untested state that may bring up the issues of system defects that may lead to performance and quality issues for the users (Bostrom, 2013). There may be operational errors that may also be experienced by the end-users. Set of Actions The senior management has decided to deliver the system in the untested state. The system might have certain defects and the action may impact the stakeholders associated with the system in the following manner. Client: The project client will not be able to experience the desired functionalities and benefits due to the defects present in the system. End Users: The user engagement and satisfaction levels will be low. Project Team Members: The project team will be held accountable for the defects in the system and their performance will be questioned by the top management. Alternative Actions as per Ethics There are certain actions that the project team may take instead of agreeing with the demand of the project client to deliver the system before its due deadline. One of the essential steps that should have been taken is the project estimations during the planning phase of the project. The client requirements and expectations experienced frequent changes and therefore, the estimations should have been done accordingly (Peslak, 2007). Following are the set of actions that Ken may take during the timeline of the project. Agreeing with the senior management to meet the customer demand by delivering untested system. Resignation from the company Preparation and explanation of the presentation in front of the senior management describing a detailed account of the implications of the decision to go ahead with the untested system delivery. Consequences of the Action Ethical standards and guidelines must be followed by the team members of the project during the project execution (Schultz, 2010). There is a defined series of steps that must be followed in a project timeline that comprise of planning, execution, implementation testing, control and closure. All of these phases must be executed by adhering to the professional and ethical codes of conduct. In the case study, the senior management is willing to miss out on the testing phase in order to meet the customer expectations without letting the customer know about such an issue. There are different ethical theories that have been applied to understand the ethical consequences of such an action. Ethical theory of Consequentialism is a normative theory that evaluates the act on the basis of the series of the outcomes. If the outcomes are evaluated as positive in nature and beneficial to all then the act is termed as ethical and vice versa (Dorsey, 2012). The consequences of the action in this case will include the decreased customer satisfaction and engagement due to the operational and performance issues in the system, deteriorated team and organizational reputation along with losses experienced by the project client. Due to all of these outcomes, the act is termed as incorrect on the ethical grounds and principles of this theory (Slote, 2008). Deontology ethics is a normative ethical theory that evaluates the ethical correctness on the basis of the rules that are defined for a particular task or an activity. As per the rules of a business project, there are certain phases that must be carried out before delivery the project to the client. In this case, the management is willing to miss out on the testing phase without letting the project client know about such a decision. There is a clear non-adherence to the defined rules that is observed. Due to all of these reasons, the act is termed as incorrect on the ethical grounds and principles of this theory (Gaus, 2001). There are certain virtues and traits that are observed in the scenario as described in the case study. Some of these traits include selfish interests before the interest of the client, dishonesty and incompetence. These traits are negative in nature and therefore, the act is termed as unethical as per the theory of Virtue Ethics (Carr, 2004). Recommended Steps There are three options recommended that may be taken by the project team, Test Manager and senior management. The option recommended as an action that shall be taken is the last one that says that the Test Manager must present the set of outcomes that may take place due to the delivery of untested system to the project client. There may be operational and performance issues that may come up as an outcome. Also, there may be security vulnerabilities that may be present in the system that may have an extremely adverse implication. All of such issues must be explained by Ken to the senior management which shall then be informed to the project client. There shall be additional resources that must be included in the team to speed up the testing process to deliver the project before the original deadline. In this manner, all of the project phases will be executed and the client expectations will also be met. References Bostrom, N. (2013). The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved 30 November 2017, from https://intelligence.org/files/EthicsofAI.pdf Carr, D. (2004). Virtue Ethics and Moral Education. Retrieved 30 November 2017, from https://ebook.umaha.ac.id/E-BOOK%20ON%20EDUCATION/RELATIONSHIP%20BEETWEN%20EDUC%20_%20MORAL,%20ETHIC,%20RELIGION,%20TRUTH,%20_%20PHILOSOPHY/VIRTUE%20ETHICS%20_%20MORAL%20EDUC,%20David%20Carr.pdf Dorsey, D. (2012). Consequentialism, Cognitive Limitations, and Moral Theory. Retrieved 30 November 2017, from https://people.ku.edu/~ddorsey/agency.pdf Gaus, G. (2001). What is Deontology?, Part One: Orthodox Viewsa. Retrieved 30 November 2017, from https://www.gaus.biz/deontology1.pdf Peslak, A. (2007). Information technology intellectual property ethics: issues and analysis. Retrieved 30 November 2017, from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/70ab/477752c78990466179afd38446bcbce97601.pdf Schultz, R. (2010). The Role of IT in the Ethics of Globalization. Retrieved 30 November 2017, from https://iisit.org/Vol7/IISITv7p353-368Schultz729.pdf Slote, M. (2008). Satisficing Consequentialism. Retrieved 30 November 2017, from https://www.princeton.edu/~ppettit/papers/1984/Satisficing%20Consequentialism.pdf Youtube. (2017). A dilemma in IT: Select action end of video and see its consequence. YouTube. Retrieved 13 August 2017, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mugeCY3vbxo