Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Societys Influence on Education Essay Example

Societys Influence on Education Paper The piece is very appealing and convincing to the readers because the words used were simple and clear, the construction of thoughts and Ideas were organized which made It easy to understand, relate and connect to real life situation. It clearly defined what a society Is and how It greatly affects education. Ideas were mostly based on factual, experiences, and observations. Somehow, It overlooked some examples that would expound and elaborate further pollens and Ideas. Citing examples Is an effective way to help readers apprehend its intention and realize how great and influential are personal experiences in a study. Even without extensive research, the author could still make up this article because conceptions of ideas derived directly from our prior knowledge and experiences. For these reasons, it made the readers to react and interact from the article they read. The author shows neutrality about the topic and presents a balanced view about society and education though it overemphasized on how society influences education which is the focus of this piece. This is how complicate to criticize this kind of piece sometimes because both entities are equally Important, Influences and Is dependent to the existence of each other. We will write a custom essay sample on Societys Influence on Education specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Societys Influence on Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Societys Influence on Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Ill REACTION Basically, Interaction between the article and the reader or (Interaction between the author and the reader) is evident enough that the piece itself was quite interesting. Interesting in the sense that it touches our lives may it directly or indirectly like how we socialize within a group and how we learn from it. After reading, I realized that we play a vital role in society and education. There can be no found society without the interaction of people within it. Meaning, we are the foundation of society and the beginning of educational institution. If society and education are inseparable entities, we are therefore the center of learning process and can never be departed from both. I agree that learning doesnt exist merely inside the four corners of the lassoer but more on the external forces, our environment. What we do, we see and we hear, we learn from It. We are the drive force of our own lives and create values. In creating and upholding our values, there always come societal factors such as customs, traditions and laws which affect of what we are becoming. Like for Instance, In leaning Witt a group you need to consoler Uninominal Territories In order to understand and adjust to the environment. This is because we need to belong in a group, able to interact and learn afterwards. Belongingness and acceptance in a rope or society is as important as society to education. We need to feel that we belonged and accepted in order to continue learning and imparting knowledge to others. Obviously, the people are the institution where learning and education began. In my own point of view, the author intended to confuse the readers whether his piece is one-sided or balanced for us to evaluate critically and comprehensively until we would come up to a conclusion that would support and strengthen our analysis regarding the issue. For me, it is well-balanced because the author never eaves out the concept of education only that he overemphasized how society influences on education. This has not been biased in a reason that the author focused on the subject matter itself to make realization and Justification of the topic. The author even stressed out that Society and education are tightly bound entities and hence cannot be separated from each other. From this statement we can say that there is fairness and equity as to role, importance and impacts of society and education to each other. The difference only is that society has been overemphasized since it is the focus of the issue.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Employment Is The Key To A Great Future

Employment Is The Key To A Great Future Many students today, have jobs while attending high school. In the article â€Å"When Job Crimps School, Future Pays,† written by Christine Baron, she feels as if having a job is future threatening. Baron also believes that it is an educational disadvantage, to participate in responsibilities other than school. However, whatever way it’s looked at, it is the path most often traveled by teens today. In my opinion, being employed during high school isn’t threatening at all. It should be a motivating and moving experience, which makes a person look forward to their future. For many teens, high school is a place of freedom. Whether it be finding out who they are, what purpose they serve or simply becoming employed. A place of employment is an opportunity to excel in what a person feels they have to offer. Each and every high school student that I know feels this way. They would very much disagree with Baron, just as much as I do. I work with an eighteen-year-old girl who is a sophomore in college and this is her first job. She told me that she was an only child and very sheltered. Also she stated that she didn’t have the kind of freedom others did in high school. While her friends went off to earn their weekend spending money, she was at her home with her parents, watching television. She wanted that freedom of having an occupation but wasn’t given the opportunity, until now. She is slowly catching up to those students that have had the chance, to experience what it is to be independent. Education is very important, it is a too l that trains a person for job skills used and tested in the future. However, if a student is able to maintain good grades and a job in high school, it is more feasible for the road ahead. In school students work, but in work students get hands on training and preparation for future jobs. With experience and an education, it makes it easier to... Free Essays on Employment Is The Key To A Great Future Free Essays on Employment Is The Key To A Great Future Employment Is The Key To A Great Future Many students today, have jobs while attending high school. In the article â€Å"When Job Crimps School, Future Pays,† written by Christine Baron, she feels as if having a job is future threatening. Baron also believes that it is an educational disadvantage, to participate in responsibilities other than school. However, whatever way it’s looked at, it is the path most often traveled by teens today. In my opinion, being employed during high school isn’t threatening at all. It should be a motivating and moving experience, which makes a person look forward to their future. For many teens, high school is a place of freedom. Whether it be finding out who they are, what purpose they serve or simply becoming employed. A place of employment is an opportunity to excel in what a person feels they have to offer. Each and every high school student that I know feels this way. They would very much disagree with Baron, just as much as I do. I work with an eighteen-year-old girl who is a sophomore in college and this is her first job. She told me that she was an only child and very sheltered. Also she stated that she didn’t have the kind of freedom others did in high school. While her friends went off to earn their weekend spending money, she was at her home with her parents, watching television. She wanted that freedom of having an occupation but wasn’t given the opportunity, until now. She is slowly catching up to those students that have had the chance, to experience what it is to be independent. Education is very important, it is a too l that trains a person for job skills used and tested in the future. However, if a student is able to maintain good grades and a job in high school, it is more feasible for the road ahead. In school students work, but in work students get hands on training and preparation for future jobs. With experience and an education, it makes it easier to... Free Essays on Employment Is The Key To A Great Future Employment Is The Key To A Great Future Many students today, have jobs while attending high school. In the article â€Å"When Job Crimps School, Future Pays,† written by Christine Baron, she feels as if having a job is future threatening. Baron also believes that it is an educational disadvantage, to participate in responsibilities other than school. However, whatever way it’s looked at, it is the path most often traveled by teens today. In my opinion, being employed during high school isn’t threatening at all. It should be a motivating and moving experience, which makes a person look forward to their future. For many teens, high school is a place of freedom. Whether it be finding out who they are, what purpose they serve or simply becoming employed. A place of employment is an opportunity to excel in what a person feels they have to offer. Each and every high school student that I know feels this way. They would very much disagree with Baron, just as much as I do. I work with an eighteen-year-old girl who is a sophomore in college and this is her first job. She told me that she was an only child and very sheltered. Also she stated that she didn’t have the kind of freedom others did in high school. While her friends went off to earn their weekend spending money, she was at her home with her parents, watching television. She wanted that freedom of having an occupation but wasn’t given the opportunity, until now. She is slowly catching up to those students that have had the chance, to experience what it is to be independent. Education is very important, it is a too l that trains a person for job skills used and tested in the future. However, if a student is able to maintain good grades and a job in high school, it is more feasible for the road ahead. In school students work, but in work students get hands on training and preparation for future jobs. With experience and an education, it makes it easier to...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Questions detailed below in criteria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Questions detailed below in criteria - Essay Example In light of this a project to get ladies to swim would be beneficial when taking into consideration safety concerns in relating to flooding and the ability to swim to safety in the event that such an event occurs. Getting ladies to learn to swim means that their children and partners who are not able to swim will become interested in learning as well. The question therefore is - How will the project coordinator reach them in order to get them interested? Instead of preparing flyers and dropping them in mail boxes in Tower Hamlets, which can be very costly, the internet and social media is an effective way of reaching and communicating with people. Websites like Facebook, You Tube, Yahoo! and Google are some of the sites that are most visited and which could be tapped into. This project will not be successful without getting the ladies of Tower Hamlets involved. Therefore, the advertisements will focus on the unique features of Tower Hamlet which have already been noted that makes it so important for all especially the ladies to learn to swim. In addition to being a great form of exercise, it can be done regardless of the weather. Furthermore, swimming is a great way to reduce the risk of obesity. In order to make the project work the  £10,000 needs to be carefully budgeted. This amount is relatively small and so it is important to utilize resources within Tower Hamlet in order to remain within the means of the budget. The preparation of a financial budget is therefore critical to the success of the project. Preparing a budget is not always easy. However, it is important to understand that the total expenditure budgeted needs to be within the budget which is  £10,000. The amount budgeted for each expense would depend on the going costs of providing these services and so steps should be taken to ascertain these. Some of the things to be considered (assuming that the infrastructure is already in place) include: The possibility exists that the focus on ladies