Saturday, December 28, 2019

Mill individuality essay - 2173 Words

Mills account of personal liberty ensures the development of the individual and society Assess the validity in this claim. Within Mills On Liberty it is clear that he has a high regard for the issues surrounding freedom and its limits. Mill is an advocate of negative freedom, as a liberal he believes that there should be no restraints on an individuals freedom unless it is hindering the freedom or health of another person. One of the main reasons as to why Mill values liberty is because it contributes to personal development. Thus Mill argues that in order for individuals to develop they should be able to perform experiments in living, which allow individuals to go through a system of trial and error until they find their own†¦show more content†¦Society will lose it means to progressing further. Mill talks about this to am extent in his chapter on democracy. He argues that in order for society to develop we need two opposing parties, one that is defined by tradition and pragmatism and the other by social progress. However, it can be argued that by giving people the means to be eccentrics you ar e threatening social order and putting society at whole at a risk ( the opposite of what Mill says his theory does). However , like most problems that surround the idea of negative liberty, mill would argue that as long as the experiment in living is within the limits of the harm principle them it should be allowed. This personal liberty not only provides people with a means to experiment their own ways of living, but also allows society to flourish as eccentricity and geniuses (provided by liberty) can enlighten individuals and governments into new ways of living. Furthermore, to treat human beings with no individuality and not provide them with a means of experimenting in their living, is to assume that they are all the same. Mill argues that we are all different in our desires and in what will make us happy. Imposing a specific lifestyle on all members of society would be like treating an orchid, sunflower and cactus all in the same way. The conditions in which the orchids thrive could kill the sunflower. Much like plants, human beings differShow MoreRelatedJohn Stuart Mill s On Liberty1700 Words   |  7 PagesMill’s â€Å"On Liberty† essay, published in 1859, portrays Mill’s perception of liberty with an emphasis on individuality. He explicitly states at the start of the essay that the main point is to â€Å"govern absolutely the dealings of society with the individual in the way of compulsion and control† (5). His push to establish the basic guidelines for the relationship between authority and liberty is a re sult of his ethical theory of utilitarianism. Throughout the course of this essay, Mill provides the readerRead MoreWhat Type Of Power Can Be Placed Onto A Society And Its People1212 Words   |  5 Pages The purpose of J.S. Mill’s essay is to examine what type of power can lawfully be placed onto a society and its people. Mill sought to explore this topic because he recognized the continual development of society and how circumstances change as society rapidly becomes more civilized. The object of his essay, stated in his introduction, is to argue that self-protection is the only instance in which individual liberty can be interfered. In chapter four, Mills goes on to explore these limits on individualRead MoreThe Age Of Reason Or Known As The Enlightenment1189 Words   |  5 Pageswith this, the Romantic movement came with a wave of romantic writers, such as, John Stuart Mill. Mill in particular identified with self-consciousness or individualism. His concept of individua lism presented itself in his writings, â€Å" On Liberty† and, â€Å" What is Poetry.† Born May 20, 1806, Mill was a well known English-speaking, British Philosopher. Mill grew up well educated by his father, James Mill, who taught him Greek and Latin, in which her fully excelled. He also studied logics, mathematicsRead MoreKarl Marx And Mill Had A Great Impact With Their Work Influencing New Generations Of Thinkers1509 Words   |  7 PagesIndividuality is a topic that was discussed by many philosophers during the 19th century all around the world, particularly in Europe were many great philosophers came to this world with many ideas and political philosophies in how the individual has to be treated in order to satisfy its necessities and the necessities of its family. Freedom, alienation and many others factors were many of the threats that society was going through in the 19th century. Philosophers like Marx and Mill had a greatRead MoreWithin On Liberty By John Stuart Mill1312 Words   |  6 PagesWithin On Liberty by John Stuart Mill, the notion of individuali ty and one s abilities to make choices for himself contradicts the notion of evolution within Edward O. Wilson’s Consilience. Mill’s beliefs derive from social interaction and experience in which the individual can decide for himself what is right versus what is wrong and can act upon what he believes to be the best option. Whereas, Wilson’s views coincide with the idea that individuals generate decisions based off of historically discoveredRead MoreJohn Stuart Mill Essay1369 Words   |  6 Pagesprocess leads to an unequal society in which the rights of the people are restricted. In the essays, On Liberty and On Representative Government, written by John Stuart Mill, there is a concern for the tyranny of the majority. He expresses his concern in, On Liberty, by supporting an increase in individual liberties. It is expressed again in, On Representative Government, by promoting a true democracy. Mill proposes remedies for combating this tyranny of the majority, and further discusses theRead MoreTyranny And The Social Wellbeing Of Citizens1750 Words   |  7 Pagessociety. Such writers spanned from Alexis de Tocqueville, to John Stuart Mill, to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The interpretations and approaches taken to the subject of tyranny and how to protect against it, though, were as varied as the collection of authors who addressed it. From de Tocqueville’s stringent observations in Democracy in America, the concept of a purely political tyranny is delineated. In contrast, Mill’s essay On Liberty focuses on a particular strain of despotic oppression thatRead MoreOn Liberty1318 Words   |  6 PagesBentham’s Utilitarianism philosophy, Mill’s theory in On Liberty emphasized more around the value of individuality, equality and liberty (Donner, 1991; Skorupski, 1998). All three elements focused on by Mill, are closely connected in democratic society, Mill’s major fear was the emergence of dictatorship based on majoritarian and conformist behavior within a society (Skorupski, 2006). This essay will focus on examining Mill’s liberal ideas within On Liberty, his concept on the limitation of government’sRead MoreViews of Karl Marx and John Stuart Mill Essay examples1184 Words   |  5 Pagesothers of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it. John Stuart Mill, On Liberty While, after reading the above two quotations, it may appear that Karl Marx and John Stuart Mill take seemingly opposing views on the proper relationship between an individual and his or her community, a closer reading of the texts of Marx and Mill reveals that both Marx and Mill articulate a much more nuanced view on the ideal relationship between man and his society. By firstRead MoreIndividualism And Liberty By John Stuart Mill1196 Words   |  5 Pages In the essay, Liberty, written by John Stuart Mill, Mill states that individualism is the theory that â€Å"[o]ver himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign† (7). Before coming to this conclusion, Mill first explains that individualism and liberty were defined in ways far different from definitions now and that true individualism did not exist until later in history. It takes him several paragraphs and even chapters to finally suggest that a man, by himself, is free to do what

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Complete A Mindmap On The Importance Of Business To The

Complete a mindmap on the importance of business to the Australian economy. In workbook Discuss the main roles of business. The main role of a business is to produce goods and services to satisfy consumers demand in order to make a profit. Construct a series of flowcharts to show the interrelationship between producers and consumers. Explain how business has an economic and social importance in Australia. In your answer refer to innovation, quality of life, employment, incomes, entrepreneurship, choice, and wealth creation. Without entrepreneurship businesses that provide choice and create innovation as well as wealth creation would not exist. Businesses create employment for workers to earn incomes and purchase products that improve†¦show more content†¦Therefore we begin the recession or downswing phase of the business cycle leading to a depression which results in High unemployment and people not spending money that contributes to the expansion phase of the business cycle. People won t have jobs or money to spend leaving people without homes and little food. Expansion Boom Recession Depression GDP - Growing GDP -High GDP - Declining GDP - Low Consumer spending - Growing Consumer spending - High Consumer spending - Declining Consumer spending - Low Employment - Growing Employment - High Employment - Declining Employment - Low Unemployment - Declining Unemployment - Low Unemployment - Growing Unemployment - High Inflation - Growing Inflation - High Inflation - Declining Inflation - Low Investment - Growing Investment - High Investment - Declining Investment - Low Analyse the personal characteristics you believe are important for the operating of a business. In order to run a business you need to do the following: Do what you enjoy - If you enjoy what you re doing you will put in 100% effort to your business resulting in success and profit. If you don t enjoy what you do it will be shown in your lack of success. Take what you do seriously - If you take what you do seriously then you will believe in the goods and services you are providing and you will be effective and successful. Plan everything - Business planning is important because it requiresShow MoreRelatedstudy guide Essay5978 Words   |  24 Pagesï » ¿ UNIT OF STUDY GUIDE VICTORIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT UNIT YEAR 2013 SEMESTER Two UNIT TITLE Professional Development 1 – Critical Thinking and Problem Solving UNIT CODE BFP1100 PRE-REQUISITES CREDIT POINTS 12 points MODE OF DELIVERY On-campus UNIT COORDINATORS NAME Raquel Licciardi EMAIL NAME Andrew Stein EMAIL SUNWAY LECTURERS: NAME Soon PeiRead MorePersonal Development10144 Words   |  41 Pagesresearch work was all about. †¢ As my friend is planning to move into business, I always wanted to help him with regards to his business after a few years of regular work and getting a start up capital for the business. The entrepreneurship module did give me a huge insight as to how a business plan is being made and gave me an idea how to start a business. Thus, the module did get me more interested in setting up my own business than just going a normal office work. †¢ My expectations of moreRead MoreAdvanced Professional Development21653 Words   |  87 Pagessystems in a professional manner. The Study Pack is comprised mainly of models for evaluating methods to improve personal skills, and to audit, plan and develop your own approach to management. They do not represent things that you have to do to complete the Unit, but avenues of self-development that you should consider when evaluating your own strengths and weaknesses and formulating a development plan. There are two assignments: The first asks you to explore and evaluate methods that couldRead MoreThe Mind of a Marketing Manager26114 Words   |  105 PagesThinking: The mind of a marketing genius Thinking: The mind of a marketing genius * Where are the best opportunities for your business today? How do you stand out in crowded markets? How do you deliver the best solutions for customers, and the best returns to shareholders? * Where should you focus amidst this complexity? What is your competitive advantage? Which markets, brands, products and customers should you prioritize in order to maximize value creation?

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Multilingualism in Nigeria. a Blessing or a Curse free essay sample

Others see multilingualism as a political matter, that is, an issue which requires solutions to language problems from the policy makers who are political authorities in a multilingual nation, and as an economic problem, because, as Jahr (1998) states, chaotic language differences are determinants of economic disadvantage whereas well planned language differences are considered to be resources.Many studies on various multilingual societies have been conducted by among others Cuvelier, Du Plessis, Teck (2003) on multilingualism, education and social integration in Belgium, Europe, South Africa and Southern Africa; Deprez Du Plessis (2000) on multilingualism and government in Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, former Yugoslavia and South Africa; Emenanjo (1990) on multilingualism and language policy in Nigeria. This work shows that as much as multilingualism in Nigeria is a blessing, it is also a curse. This phenomenon is more prevalent in Asian and African countries because of the merging of many ethnic groups (with different languages) to form individual countries. We will write a custom essay sample on Multilingualism in Nigeria. a Blessing or a Curse or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This was done by the excolonialists. However, language pluralism also exists in Europe and other continents of the world. Multilingualism, therefore, is universal and findings have shown that there is no monolingual nation. According to Hudson (1980) there are about four or five thousand languages in the world but only one hundred and forty nations. Obviously then, most countries have a large number of languages.The fact however, is that the degree of multilingualism in Asian and African countries is higher than that of the developed world. The Guinness Book of knowledge (1997) shows that Africa has about 1,300 languages, the highest number among all the continents of the world. Khubchandani (1983) shows that India has about two hundred classified languages. Similarly, the Encyclopaedia Americana reveals that the linguistic diversity of New Guinea is probably greater than that of any area of comparable size in the world. It has seven hundred languages. Therefore, examples of nations that are highly multilingual abound.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Stefan Edberg Essay Example For Students

Stefan Edberg Essay Stefan EdbergThe tennisplayer Stefan Edberg is nowadays a legend in his sport. I met himmyself in France in 1987. I was 8 years old. He and the other members of theSwedish Daviscup team were playing the Daviscup against France. However, beforethe training I met them in the lobby of their hotel in Frjus. My father knewthe Swedish captain of the team so we could watch them training.After thatStefan has been one of my idols. I play tennis a lot myself. But now to thestory about Stefan Edberg. Saw the adHis career started when the local paper in Vstervik ( the town where he wasborn ) had an advertisement about mini-tennis in the early 70s. It said Day oftennis.Luckily his mother Barbro read the article and liked it. The day aftershe sent her son to the tennis-school for beginners. At that time she didntknow how important this initiative would be to Stefan, to Swedish tennis andeven to the world tennis. An incredible athletic career had seen the morninglight. We will write a custom essay on Stefan Edberg specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Was convinced to continueThe seven year old Stefan struck his first hits at the tennis school in thesommer of 1973. To start with he played once a week. He liked his new sportbut was close to quitting after the first term. -My friend wanted to quit,and sodid I. But my trainer convinced me to continue, Stefan says with a smile on hisface. The young Edberg soon became taken by the sport. Soon he played matcheswith the boys team, and outside his home he played fantasy Davis Cup-matches. Inthe sommer holidays he almost lived at the tennis court. At the age of ten hestopped playing his two other sports, football and icehockey, and concentratedeverything on tennis. Soon he won his first tournament, Ostkustensprla, avery memorable victory for him. Star even in schoolBut a couple of years went by before he dared to go in for tennis full time. He was in the ninth grade as took the big step and gave tennis the big chance. -I felt I had a serious chance of becoming a worldplayer. Because I hadjust won JEM and taken a set on Mats Wilander who was a professional player,Stefan says. But it couldnt have been an easy choice, because Stefan wasalso a very good student with an average about 4,3 after the ninth grade. He was better than all the others!!!The trainers at the club where he was training, Westerviks TK, quickly realizedwhat a big talent this boy was. Just after a couple of years, they noticed thathis way of playing tennis was different from all the great Swedes who played atthat time, for an example Bjrn Borg. Stefan attacked the net, as quickly aspossible,unlike the baseline players of that time. -Ive never liked long rallys,but Ive always had a good serve. I also grew tall pretty early so it fitted mewell to go forward to the net. His trainer encouraged him to continue to play his own game. ( I think that waspretty good ) His biggest triumphs as a junior were JEM in Nice in 1980 and agrandslam. ( Grandslam= To win all of the four biggest tournaments, Wimbledon,French Open, U.S Open and Australian Open!!! )The liftDuring high-school in the early 80s Stefan got in touch with the famous trainerPercy Rosberg, the person who had made Bjrn Borg a star. Stefan was free fromschool once a week to go to Stockholm to train with Percy. One of the biggestimprovements Edberg made with Percy was his backhand which later became one ofthe best in the world. When he left school his training hours increased by 100percent from four to eight times a week. .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6 , .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6 .postImageUrl , .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6 , .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6:hover , .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6:visited , .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6:active { border:0!important; } .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6:active , .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6 .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0a1fa412238242fb0e1e7db3315f96f6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Salem witch trials EssayTony PickardTony Pickard has been Stefan`s trainer for almost his entire career. They firstmet in Bournemouth when Stefan was there to sign contracts with the racket-manufacturer Wilson. Tony saw him playing and invited him to his house: A famoustrainer/adept couple was born. It lasted for ten years with great success. Warned only onceDuring all his years at the top he always has behaved like a real gentleman,both on the court and outside it. He was always proper and correct in his way ofacting. He has been warned only once. It happened in Dusseldorf, after a wronglyjudged ball when he hit the ball hard to the ground. The ball bounced out intothe audience and he was warned. Dont forget that John McEnroe was lucky if hewasnt warned at all in a match. The big drop cameFor nine years in a row he constantly was among the top five ranked players inthe world. It was at the end of 1994 he slipped out of the top five. However,it was last year when the big drop came and he ended the year as the number 23on the ranking list. He explains it himself that its pretty hard to keep themotivation for such a long time. His golden yearsDuring the years 1990-93 he had his undoubtfully best years. For two years in arow he finished as number one on the ranking lists. Never been drunkIn comparison to other top athletics, Stefan is living a comfortable family life. He is married to Anette and has a little daughter, Emilie. He is seldom seen atparties, and hes very careful with alcohol. And he admits that he has neverbeen drunk. Some facts about himBorn: 19th January 1966 in Vstervik Lives : London Family: The wife Anette, thedaughter Emile, 3 years old Height:188 cm Match weight: about 77 kg Highestsingles ranking: 1 Highest doubles ranking: 1 Prize money: 20,5 U.S dollarSingle titles: 41 Double titles: 18 Single finals: 76 Double finals: 29 Dc--singles: 35-14 ( won-lost )List of references: Svensk Tennis nr. 11, Sport Expressen and my self. Written by: Kristoffer Lindgren NV2D

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Societys Influence on Education Essay Example

Societys Influence on Education Paper The piece is very appealing and convincing to the readers because the words used were simple and clear, the construction of thoughts and Ideas were organized which made It easy to understand, relate and connect to real life situation. It clearly defined what a society Is and how It greatly affects education. Ideas were mostly based on factual, experiences, and observations. Somehow, It overlooked some examples that would expound and elaborate further pollens and Ideas. Citing examples Is an effective way to help readers apprehend its intention and realize how great and influential are personal experiences in a study. Even without extensive research, the author could still make up this article because conceptions of ideas derived directly from our prior knowledge and experiences. For these reasons, it made the readers to react and interact from the article they read. The author shows neutrality about the topic and presents a balanced view about society and education though it overemphasized on how society influences education which is the focus of this piece. This is how complicate to criticize this kind of piece sometimes because both entities are equally Important, Influences and Is dependent to the existence of each other. We will write a custom essay sample on Societys Influence on Education specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Societys Influence on Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Societys Influence on Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Ill REACTION Basically, Interaction between the article and the reader or (Interaction between the author and the reader) is evident enough that the piece itself was quite interesting. Interesting in the sense that it touches our lives may it directly or indirectly like how we socialize within a group and how we learn from it. After reading, I realized that we play a vital role in society and education. There can be no found society without the interaction of people within it. Meaning, we are the foundation of society and the beginning of educational institution. If society and education are inseparable entities, we are therefore the center of learning process and can never be departed from both. I agree that learning doesnt exist merely inside the four corners of the lassoer but more on the external forces, our environment. What we do, we see and we hear, we learn from It. We are the drive force of our own lives and create values. In creating and upholding our values, there always come societal factors such as customs, traditions and laws which affect of what we are becoming. Like for Instance, In leaning Witt a group you need to consoler Uninominal Territories In order to understand and adjust to the environment. This is because we need to belong in a group, able to interact and learn afterwards. Belongingness and acceptance in a rope or society is as important as society to education. We need to feel that we belonged and accepted in order to continue learning and imparting knowledge to others. Obviously, the people are the institution where learning and education began. In my own point of view, the author intended to confuse the readers whether his piece is one-sided or balanced for us to evaluate critically and comprehensively until we would come up to a conclusion that would support and strengthen our analysis regarding the issue. For me, it is well-balanced because the author never eaves out the concept of education only that he overemphasized how society influences on education. This has not been biased in a reason that the author focused on the subject matter itself to make realization and Justification of the topic. The author even stressed out that Society and education are tightly bound entities and hence cannot be separated from each other. From this statement we can say that there is fairness and equity as to role, importance and impacts of society and education to each other. The difference only is that society has been overemphasized since it is the focus of the issue.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Employment Is The Key To A Great Future

Employment Is The Key To A Great Future Many students today, have jobs while attending high school. In the article â€Å"When Job Crimps School, Future Pays,† written by Christine Baron, she feels as if having a job is future threatening. Baron also believes that it is an educational disadvantage, to participate in responsibilities other than school. However, whatever way it’s looked at, it is the path most often traveled by teens today. In my opinion, being employed during high school isn’t threatening at all. It should be a motivating and moving experience, which makes a person look forward to their future. For many teens, high school is a place of freedom. Whether it be finding out who they are, what purpose they serve or simply becoming employed. A place of employment is an opportunity to excel in what a person feels they have to offer. Each and every high school student that I know feels this way. They would very much disagree with Baron, just as much as I do. I work with an eighteen-year-old girl who is a sophomore in college and this is her first job. She told me that she was an only child and very sheltered. Also she stated that she didn’t have the kind of freedom others did in high school. While her friends went off to earn their weekend spending money, she was at her home with her parents, watching television. She wanted that freedom of having an occupation but wasn’t given the opportunity, until now. She is slowly catching up to those students that have had the chance, to experience what it is to be independent. Education is very important, it is a too l that trains a person for job skills used and tested in the future. However, if a student is able to maintain good grades and a job in high school, it is more feasible for the road ahead. In school students work, but in work students get hands on training and preparation for future jobs. With experience and an education, it makes it easier to... Free Essays on Employment Is The Key To A Great Future Free Essays on Employment Is The Key To A Great Future Employment Is The Key To A Great Future Many students today, have jobs while attending high school. In the article â€Å"When Job Crimps School, Future Pays,† written by Christine Baron, she feels as if having a job is future threatening. Baron also believes that it is an educational disadvantage, to participate in responsibilities other than school. However, whatever way it’s looked at, it is the path most often traveled by teens today. In my opinion, being employed during high school isn’t threatening at all. It should be a motivating and moving experience, which makes a person look forward to their future. For many teens, high school is a place of freedom. Whether it be finding out who they are, what purpose they serve or simply becoming employed. A place of employment is an opportunity to excel in what a person feels they have to offer. Each and every high school student that I know feels this way. They would very much disagree with Baron, just as much as I do. I work with an eighteen-year-old girl who is a sophomore in college and this is her first job. She told me that she was an only child and very sheltered. Also she stated that she didn’t have the kind of freedom others did in high school. While her friends went off to earn their weekend spending money, she was at her home with her parents, watching television. She wanted that freedom of having an occupation but wasn’t given the opportunity, until now. She is slowly catching up to those students that have had the chance, to experience what it is to be independent. Education is very important, it is a too l that trains a person for job skills used and tested in the future. However, if a student is able to maintain good grades and a job in high school, it is more feasible for the road ahead. In school students work, but in work students get hands on training and preparation for future jobs. With experience and an education, it makes it easier to... Free Essays on Employment Is The Key To A Great Future Employment Is The Key To A Great Future Many students today, have jobs while attending high school. In the article â€Å"When Job Crimps School, Future Pays,† written by Christine Baron, she feels as if having a job is future threatening. Baron also believes that it is an educational disadvantage, to participate in responsibilities other than school. However, whatever way it’s looked at, it is the path most often traveled by teens today. In my opinion, being employed during high school isn’t threatening at all. It should be a motivating and moving experience, which makes a person look forward to their future. For many teens, high school is a place of freedom. Whether it be finding out who they are, what purpose they serve or simply becoming employed. A place of employment is an opportunity to excel in what a person feels they have to offer. Each and every high school student that I know feels this way. They would very much disagree with Baron, just as much as I do. I work with an eighteen-year-old girl who is a sophomore in college and this is her first job. She told me that she was an only child and very sheltered. Also she stated that she didn’t have the kind of freedom others did in high school. While her friends went off to earn their weekend spending money, she was at her home with her parents, watching television. She wanted that freedom of having an occupation but wasn’t given the opportunity, until now. She is slowly catching up to those students that have had the chance, to experience what it is to be independent. Education is very important, it is a too l that trains a person for job skills used and tested in the future. However, if a student is able to maintain good grades and a job in high school, it is more feasible for the road ahead. In school students work, but in work students get hands on training and preparation for future jobs. With experience and an education, it makes it easier to...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Questions detailed below in criteria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Questions detailed below in criteria - Essay Example In light of this a project to get ladies to swim would be beneficial when taking into consideration safety concerns in relating to flooding and the ability to swim to safety in the event that such an event occurs. Getting ladies to learn to swim means that their children and partners who are not able to swim will become interested in learning as well. The question therefore is - How will the project coordinator reach them in order to get them interested? Instead of preparing flyers and dropping them in mail boxes in Tower Hamlets, which can be very costly, the internet and social media is an effective way of reaching and communicating with people. Websites like Facebook, You Tube, Yahoo! and Google are some of the sites that are most visited and which could be tapped into. This project will not be successful without getting the ladies of Tower Hamlets involved. Therefore, the advertisements will focus on the unique features of Tower Hamlet which have already been noted that makes it so important for all especially the ladies to learn to swim. In addition to being a great form of exercise, it can be done regardless of the weather. Furthermore, swimming is a great way to reduce the risk of obesity. In order to make the project work the  £10,000 needs to be carefully budgeted. This amount is relatively small and so it is important to utilize resources within Tower Hamlet in order to remain within the means of the budget. The preparation of a financial budget is therefore critical to the success of the project. Preparing a budget is not always easy. However, it is important to understand that the total expenditure budgeted needs to be within the budget which is  £10,000. The amount budgeted for each expense would depend on the going costs of providing these services and so steps should be taken to ascertain these. Some of the things to be considered (assuming that the infrastructure is already in place) include: The possibility exists that the focus on ladies